Lodge Black Bear
As spring progresses on the coast, the bears will eventually leave the estuaries and move to higher ground and newer, fresher vegetation. This is when our crew turns our attention to our more inland area.

The Trip
Spend 6 days based out of a very beautiful lodge, with hot showers and great meals. We will strike out each day searching for large old boars in the heart of the Coast Mountains. Our area has vast networks of logging roads, clear cuts and old deactivated trails that create the ideal habitat for a hungry spring bear. We use truck or ATV to access these areas. Once bear sign is located, glassing and still-hunting will be the preferred hunting methods. Our hunters are just as impressed with the stunning country as they are with the big coastal black bears.
This hunt is not physically demanding and offers great opportunity to all ages and abilities. Spring bear hunting in our lodge is a great group hunt. Although serious hunters will find all the challenges they are seeking, some of our hunters find bear hunting to be much more laid back and social than fall big game hunting.
About Our Black Bears
The North Coast of British Columbia is home to some of the largest black bears in the world. Lush berries, heavy salmon runs, and short winters create an environment for extraordinary body and skull growth. Every year we harvest many bears in the 6 1/2 to 7 foot range, with several bears topping 7 1/2 feet. Skull sizes range from 17 to 21 inches.
Vancouver Island outfitters have done a great job putting our coastal bears in the spotlight. Many serious hunters are realizing that the North Coast of B.C. is just as productive for big bears as Vancouver Island. British Columbia’ s bear population is incredibly strong. Right now the number of bears in the province is estimated to be between 120,000 and 160,000, furthermore, biologists place the North Coast as one of the highest bear densities in all of B.C. Our hunters routinely return from this hunt having seen 20 to 40 different bears in one week. These high densities make this a perfect opportunity for a spot and stalk archery hunt. With populations so strong BC has a 2 bear quota, if you like to hunt a second bear on your trip a harvest fee will be assessed upon success.
We get asked a lot about the quality of the bear meat. We will remove all meat back to our camp where we will clean and butcher it. Despite controversial views, black bear is excellent table fair when prepared properly. You are welcome to take the meat home with you, what stays will feed your guide and outfitters families all year long and any extra is donated local families and the GOABC meat donation program.

2020 Spring Lodge Hunt
May 1 - June 15
Six Days
Hunter/Guide Ratio: 2:1
Price: $4,900/hunter
(+Second Bear Harvest Fee: $2000)
Hunter/Guide Ratio: 1:1
Price: $6,900/hunter
(+Second Bear Harvest Fee: $2000)
2021 Spring Lodge Hunt
May 1 - June 15
Six Days
Hunter/Guide Ratio: 2:1
Price: $5,400
(+Second Bear Harvest Fee: $2000)
Hunter/Guide Ratio: 1:1
Price: $7,400/hunter
(+Second Bear Harvest Fee: $2000)